Monday, August 2, 2010

DAY 1 - Bluebird observation

There is a family of bluebirds that nest in a birdhouse that my children made, painted which now resides in our front yard.  These bluebirds are working on their second set of hatchlings this summer.  I cannot express to you how much joy my daughter (6) and I have experienced watching these birds. 

Yesterday I would have told you that I am grateful for the entertainment and the opportunity to show my daughter nature in action.  Today however, those bluebirds took on an entirely different meaning for me and I have experienced an higher level of gratitude. 

Today while I was watching the birds leave the nest and return with food for the hatchling I was reminded that God is providing for those hatchlings.  Not only has He provided them with shelter, but also food.  If He provides for them, surely He will and does provide for me!  Talk about gratitude!

1) Gratitude for bluebirds - who provided me not only with entertainment, but also a renewed realization that God not only can, but WILL provide ALL my needs.

2) Gratitude for sugar water - this is in keeping with the bluebirds, but I do so adore the hummingbirds who come to feed from my window-mounted feeder.  Without the sugar water I would not be able to view these magnificent creatures.

3) Gratitude for a job I love-  These days it is not often someone says they love their job, but I can honestly say I ldo love my job.  This year will be my second year teaching reading to students who struggle with reading.  I am excited to get back to school and have begun counting down the days.  (Not the case for my children who are dreading the return to school.)

4) Gratitude for my dear friend who encouraged me to begin this journey.  I don't know where it will take me, but I have a feeling it will be an adventure!

5) Gratitude for Dear Hubby - my very best friend who I am still crazy about!! He has supported me through my return to school and on every endeavor that I have ever embarked on.  He makes me laugh and will not allow me to take myself too seriously.

So those are my 5 for the day.  Look for more tomorrow.

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