Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 2

1)  Rain  Today, although the sun is shining I am reflecting on all the reasons that I am grateful for the rain.  Some of my reasons are purely selfish... I love the smell outdoors after a good rain.  I love the sound of rain!  I find it relaxing and soothing.  One day I'd love to own a house with a metal roof - even if it is only a metal porch roof.  There is a country song about rain.  It is somewhat silly,  with lyrics about rain making corn, corn making whisky and whisky makes his baby feel a little frisky.  Kinda 'corny' (no pun intended) but it does get one thinking about all the things rain does for us.  Not only are plants given a drink, but also animals, like the bluebirds I spoke of yesterday.

2) Technology  Specifically at this moment I am expressing my gratitude for the internet. The internet has provided me a way to look at things differently and research ways that I can be more "green", eco-savy, however you wish to term it.  For instance, not only can I research greener ways to clean my house but also ways that I can be a better steward of what has been provided for me.  Freecycle gives me a way to share things I no longer have a need for to others rather than sending to the landfill. The process of expressing my gratitude seems also to be challenging me to be a better steward of not only monetary resourses, but also my time and natural resources.

3) Health of my family. 

4) My pets  Zena has been part of our family for 8 years.  She was a pound puppy that we welcomed to our home.  Strangely enough in her own canine way she teaches me to be patient, merciful and forgiving.  Merciful because no matter how hard my children tug on her ears or tail she takes it with never a growl only occasionally yelping, Forgiving because when they call her, she will always go back to the children. Lucky was rescued by Dear Hubby from the lattice under our front porch.  It seems she was deposited on the side of the road and managed to get herself stuck under our porch.  She has taught us unconditional love.  DH is her hero!

5)Summer vacation  a time to regroup, relax, and spend time with the family. Also a great time to spend with a good book from the library and experience the great outdoors.

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